Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Team is Family Always

When people think they're right.
Thanks to Washington Post.
It's my first day, I'm already late for class. Trying to hide the fact that I was crying a few seconds ago. Eyes wide, fear following and cursing the newness too. Trying to the shake off the fact that I was alone. Then I opened a door... I'm gonna be honest that entire class period is a blur. I just know that a couple months later, I wasn't very alone anymore. A key factor when you move is trying to find out where you belong. A team or class maybe. Mine was debate make fun but, I'm not ashamed. Debate became a class I looked forward to go to. I was eager to prove myself. A few months in, turns out it wasn't that bad. I met a quite girl who ended up shocking everyone at how abusive she can be in a round. Nina Williams is a better debater than me but we complete the things we are missing. She's assertive and strong but I'm aggressive and passionate. My amazing public forum partner Nina and I became an unstoppable (sort of) team. (Only freshmen and placed in semi-nationals.) Soon enough my public forum team became my family.   Lulu and Caliegh always there to help. Kyle and Sariah came up with new ideas and always seemed to make me laugh. Joe and Charlie didn't treat us like we were "just freshmen". Nick Coleman and Will Doyle, my event leads, where do I begin with them. Intimidating, insane, slightly egotistical and the most likely to trick the world leaders that nuclear war is a good idea. But they are also talented, funny and good mentors. They helped us become better debaters, though I will never admit it aloud, I owe most of my wins to them. The other segments of the team helped me with adjustment as well. The impromptu team always provided entertainment, Aidan and Adam H. never seize to amaze me. The policy teams leaves me wide eyed, Devon and Gavin always seemed to try to recruit us to their debate cult. The congress team in general just makes me laugh. Our captains gave me something to aspire to. Abby and Catelin are treasures. Bella Canada is just bad a$$. Bella Canada calms you, she makes you smile and she gives you goals. All in all that team became my backbone. My team is family. I mean who else would I spend bus rides at five am with or spend hours with in some random high school. Who else would push me to move on when I had the flu and could barely even move. They helped me through defeats and wins. That's how you know you found good people when, they accept you in high and low moments. When they seem to understand the most confusing parts of you. The people who make you look back at the past just to give you a push in the future. Thank you my team and thank you my family.

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