Thursday, April 14, 2016

Dear.. Well Everyone

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Dear people who have an opinion about me,
I never pretended to be anything. Don't hate me because I wasn't what you wanted me to be or what you thought I was. In the end I only was ever one person. I once heard that I was "hated by many, loved by plenty, disliked by some and confronted by none." (Which I'm sure this person read some where and thought it was funny.) Which got me thinking, what did I ever do to you. Did I say the wrong thing, do you realize that I'm new and when you're new you don't know what isn't allowed in other people's minds. If so, I'm sorry but this is what I am. When I say I dislike a person there is a reason. I don't just look at people and have a bad emotion towards them. So when I do bring that up, don't push me off. I grew up on the fact that if someone was talking about me, someone was gonna tell me. In my head you aren't a true friend if you let those people stab me in the back. If I trust you congratulations, you're one of the lucky few. I've been bruised, left and hurt before, so please don't think this trust as a vulnerability. If anything it's just me showing you my metaphorical scars. For those who think they know me, you have only read a page. I didn't grow up with the amount of money you did. I worked my butt off just to get where I am, I don't need your ignorant minds trying to make memories for me. I have enough. For the people that believe we are friends, have you stopped to think there's a reason. Maybe it's because in my head you're gonna be there for me. That if you're aware of my back stabbers that maybe you should tell me. Maybe if I get the courage to tell you that there's a problem, that maybe you should take it under consideration. You probably don't care, but that's how you'd loose me. By letting every problem that I have, brush off your shoulders. I'm not saying make me a priority but loyalty could be help. You're right I may not like a lot of people but listening and understanding would be nice. And for the person who listens. Thank you, thank you for pretending to understand. Even if you're so far away, I know no matter how I feel here you'll be over there ready to hear me. To everyone, I have flaws. I believe things and I argue. I think loyalty is important and fake people bother me. I won't always meet expectations. I'm also human and believe it or not so are you. The difference between most of you guys and me is that I accept my flaws while you simply ignore them. This is me.
An emotionally tired girl.

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