Monday, March 7, 2016

New isn't Easy

image thanks to
Friendships are fragile, distance can shatter. Happy endings don't always happen. People change, hearts grow and shrink. Strength can be mistaken for bravery. The walls we build may seem like bricks but, they're really made of paper. These are the truths, the truths that haunt me... I want to apologize I've shown the good that comes out moving what helped me, but never what hurts me. I've made this blog like a photo, smiling most of the time. Here's the truth nothing new is easy. New can be scary, new is unknown.  Nothing is easy when it's new. I want people to be calm when they move but not cocky. Making friends is hard, having to deal with rumors is harder. Some days you will crash and some days you will fly. You will want to go back on random days. It'll hit you like hurricane hitting a peaceful harbor. You'll wonder why at first, why people who haven't talk to you in months are coming in to your mind so suddenly. You'll want to call, but you stop yourself cause you are smarter then that. New isn't easy. New is cold at first but somehow the warmth will find you as it always does. Don't give up on new, don't loose hope some how happiness will find you. But new will still be there, it'll be there when old stories are told. When are photographs are shown. Trust me, new will hold your hand all the way through. People do leave, friends can become strangers but people enter as well. Strangers will become friends. New may not be easy, but it does have sense of humanity. It won't let you down, the killer moths in your stomach will come. The nerves will shake you, but new bodies won't break you. Trust me, though shattering can happen to you, you will find people to pick up the pieces. I will not promise anything, it's taken me to long to finish writing this post, mostly because I don't know how to end it. It isn't new for me to end something so important but it's always hard. Which brings me to tell you when familiarity comes to your door and whispers hello. It'll be short, new seems to come around the corner, once comfortably settles in, new will be there to kick it out. It might not be moving, it might be people or feelings. Still it's new who will never seem to be easy.  New can be scary, new is unknown.  Nothing is easy when it's new. Making friends is hard, having to deal with rumors is harder. Some days you will crash and some days you will fly. You will want to go back on random days. But as the days go on, new will have to pack it's bags for final goodbye. Only because nothing is new, naive or even innocent for too long. Friendships are fragile, distance can shatter. Happy endings don't always happen. People change, hearts grow and shrink. Strength can be mistaken for bravery. The walls we build may seem like bricks but, they're really made of paper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. This is beautiful. Most of the time I feel like I'm still holding on to Montreal. Like I forever want Park City to be new, I don't want it to be familiar because then I know it's permanent. Then I know that we're never going back.