Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Being Erased to Be Remembered

Blank Face = Loneliness
Huffington Post
I will show you how much my words mean. I refuse to be a blank face in your yearbook. I will be something, I swear. I will show you what I am worth, because I will prove to you that I can work just as hard. I've cried too many tears, broken my soul, and travelled through unfamiliar trails to get respect. Just to get right back where I am… When you move no one knows anything about you, there is two sides of that. A clean slate yes but there is one thing that I'm still working for. Not to be blurred face. It's hard for us new kids, now exactly how hard is it? Picture this you're walking down the hall, someone knocks you down, people will just stare, some will giggle and others don't even glance. The one thing they will all have in common is that in the next twenty minutes, my face won't be remembered. It was if when I crossed that Utah border, I was erased. So little people will recognize me outside of class. In San Diego, I'm talked about like a ghost. My face is barely remembered and my actions have been deleted. I'm the girl that never said goodbye. I'm the girl they miss, I'm the girl who said the speech that was the summary of their childhood years. I'm a blurred face, I'm the person in the hall you won't recognize, I'm the picture in the yearbook you don't even look at. I won't be important to you. But I wanna be something, I want my name to be known. When I die, I want my family to say that my thoughts changed the world. I know that sounds cliche, it's true though. I want the kid's that I grew up with, to hear my name and have to dig. Dig because they skipped over this blurred face. I want someone to ask them about me and memories pour in. The times where I fell down to get back up, the times where your eyes looked over me because I was insignificant to you. I have my friends yes and I am thankful for them, at least I know I'm not always alone. So when my name comes up in the news, I hope they remember the texts that were unanswered, the days where they try to filter me. Those unfiltered moments will be the reason why I will be remembered. Don't believe me, just watch. I'll make it on my own. My erased face will not go unforgotten. So if being erased is how I'm going to be remembered, so be it. I'm the girl they miss, I'm the girl who said the speech that was the summary of their childhood years. I'm a blurred face, I'm the person in the hall you won't recognize, I'm the picture in the yearbook you don't even look at. I won't be important to you. But I promise you I will be someone.

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