Friday, January 8, 2016

They're in My life For a Reason

:) Thanks to data:image
You're nervous when you're new. Don't know if it's because everything you turn to is new, and you can't turn to anyone because you're so nervous. All you need is that one person to lean on or direct you through the flames. It's crucial when you're new to put your pride on your floor and actually talk to people.  It's not as hard as you would believe. See, I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. People either come into your life because they are a lesson or a chance. So with that the people I've become close with, I've met all for a reason. I'm glad for it, for the late night talks, for the weird conversations, for the shoulders to lean on.  There are a few people in this world that I can trust fully, but each of them give me a reason to. It's funny if you think about it, in your hometown or wherever you came from, the people who you're friends with seem to be the only people you think about spending every weekend with. After moving you realize about the people outside of that small-town of yours. On that note, I never liked the word squad, it always bothered me, until Utah when  I found mine. This sounds this ridiculous I know, its weird just saying it. But hey that's what we call ourselves. Five girls, four boys and all with very interesting thoughts.  My bestie with the pink hair [:0] Sam Petersen always gets us talking about the most deep and intricate stuff. For example; religion, gender, politics (don't get even me started) or anything really important going on at each other's lives. Then good old Bryce Murrin or Annie Sheinburg  (I'm sorry if I spelled that wrong) decides to get us all rabid and laughing about some really interesting, for lack of a better word, topic. Maya Levine then normally says something half of us will be take the wrong way. Which will make us give her crud and laugh even more. Then Olivia Welter will actually make us talk about it, or least explain what goes on in a few of our minds. Then the amazing Sean Lydon will make a sarcastic comment, which will cause Nash Batten to get awkward and Cris Mora to say something that only Cris would say. My favorite part of those moments is to watch how happy each of us is with each other. So there you go a short glimpse of a small amount of squad hangouts. These people might be loud or a little weird to the normal black and white eye but for me, they are so much more. They are the people who I can depend for a shoulder or smile. We might not all understand what each of us go through, but that's the best part is we don't pretend to. We call each other out, say things we don't mean, argue till we're out of breathe but that's us. I wouldn't expect you guys to understand because you aren't there. Some people from school try to, it just doesn't work out. Only because they aren't there for the important parts of our tragically beautiful story. I met them for a reason, each teaching me valuable lessons, each shaping me to be better. So I thank you lucky few I call a squad. Thank You... 


Unknown said...

Love you Reide and the rest of squad :)

Anonymous said...

don't get all mushy on me murrin

Anonymous said...

SO true! The first time I came to the Park City School District, I was lonely and nervous to make friends. I still am, honestly. I don't have a squad like you but you're lucky to have your friends! You are amazing.

Anonymous said...

If you don't mind me asking who is this?