Wednesday, January 13, 2016

«∞here's to the tumblr kids∞«

imagine thanks to lovethispics
Our flat ironed hair goes to messy buns. We put on some pajama shorts and high knee socks. We forget about all the drama that happened before because for us it doesn't matter. We are bedroom goals, beach pictures and nothing will get in our way from our computers. We all do this for our fandoms, for our families outside of blood. This is for tumblr.  This is for the tumblr kids. This is for the girls with high expectations, that want the things they can't have. This is for the boys who want to be that boy, the one all the girls talk about. This is for the girls writing imagines about a person they've never met but some how still love them anyhow. For the boys who love the kid shows and books. For the kids who would do anything for fanmily (fandom family). We are the kids you wouldn't expect to say these things, but we do anyway. Dreaming about the One True Pair (my OTP don't you judge)  or those perfect sunset pictures. So let's cheers, here's to the kids who want more then the black and white polaroid picture. Here's to the artists who find an outlet, to the writers who pour their hearts out in a single poem, and to the game changers who find a way to transform a single post into a different life. Everyone telling us to get off the shiny glowing screens, but we won't. Only because we are in the only place where hobbits talk to shadowhunters, where you watch as a Directioner and a Potterhead fight about the difference between being an atheist and not believing in G*d. We get to watch as the boy in Arizona who sits in the back of the class finally talks to the loud and outgoing girl in New York. Make fun of us sure, say we are just scared teens who are to addicted to our computers to go outside. We write a new world inside of very favorite books, rewrite an ending in so many different ways. (SPOILERS ALERT NOT REALLY THOUGH) For us this time Tris isn't gonna die, Draco and Harry will realize they love each other. Or they will rewrite their own story, this time he won't lie to me, this time she'll believe me. Here's to the tumblr kids, the one's who find an outlet. Here's to the kids who live by music lyrics.  This one's for the kids who don't really seem to care but actually care too much. Because if it wasn't for us who comedians make stereotypes about. Because who would the author's write their tragic characters after. We fill in the spaces people think that are empty. We are the unknowns, we are the spaces that don't need to be filled. So here's to us. This blog post is for the broken and unbroken, for the naive and knowing, for the girls and boys. This was for the tumblr kids.


Anonymous said...

I love this blog! It's cool how your name is Reede and you probably read a lot, and I support that! Now this blog is cool!

Anonymous said...

Percabeth is also my OTP (I mean he literally went to hell for her) But although I have been on tumblr for about two years I can't say I'm necessarily a 'tumblr kid'. I really like this even if I can't particularly relate, but I know a lot could.