Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Moral of the Story

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Lets go back to elementary school when you had to learn the moral of the story. Trying to figure out what the author was trying to tell you. Here's the my moral you guys or lesson of you will. Life doesn't owe you anything, you have to work for what you get. I'm honestly done with people complaining about how they have too much or too little. There are approximately 7.3 billion people on this world, do you really think your problem is the biggest one. People are dying for worst causes then a broken nail. Stop making things to nonsense on purpose. If you are going to scream remember what happened when the boy cried wolf, or how curiosity killed the cat. Maybe you'll remember that tricks aren't supposed to be played constantly and that some news just aren't for you to know. Start paying attention to the morals of the stories that we learned as kids. A rapper once said "I write 'till my fingers look like a bouquet of roses  you got to bring yourself your flowers now in show biz' focus it's quiet coyote come on let's go, kids Everybody get together with a study buddy And I'll talk about the **** that I don't give." Yes I just quoted Watsky. But he has a very valid point, you work hard to achieve, I will repeat this again, life doesn't owe you a thing.  You may save a life and get fired from your job and you may cry a hundred days and never smile. Life doesn't play by any rules, no point in believing that it does. I'm turning fifteen this year and I've already grasped this idea of not knowing what comes next. Maybe my moral of life is wrong but so is the fact that no one believed the boy when he needed help or how the rabbit lost it's race. Life is realistic, our lessons we were taught as kids weren't. Maybe that's why so many people believe that they deserve something. We aren't going to be children forever, I'm not saying to stop teaching blind optimism. But at some age we should realize that there isn't a point in still believing that our prince or princess will come. If we were taught to dream don't you think most nights would less dark. Maybe the girl who said she's just little tired means something more. Or the boy who has the math answers would like to talk about anything but. We were taught that the boy lied every time and rabbit got a little cocky. Maybe the boy had anxiety and got a little scared. Maybe the rabbit got sick of being the winner and wanted to learn something. So yes please complain, please not read the whole story. Maybe you will actually learn a few things about the true moral of life. Life doesn't owe you anything. So if you bring up elementary school stories, just know that fairytales aren't gonna come true. If you read into more then just the surface you'd see terrors of living in terrorless happiness. Because the moral of the story is?....


Anonymous said...

Dear Reede, this is a very opinionated post. Your name is Reede and I read your blogpost. haha lol rofl lmao I'm to funny. On another note, good post. It is written well and keeps you engaged

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I love Watsky by the way. I like this a lot. If I had it on me I'd show you this text message I received from a wrong number about how we just have to "join the dust of the universe, and accept what is given to us," and not try to impose which I think is what you're getting at here.