Thursday, January 28, 2016


Dear Sarah Kay

If I should have a Daughter Picture thanks to Wikipedia
 I would call you my mentor but I never got to meet you. You are the one person I could never get sick of listening to. You are the one person who seems to not say the wrong thing. Is there a word for that? Even so I don't think that word would describe how much you mean to me. How much I need to tell you. I want to tell you a story about a girl who was scared. Who found a person that showed her a path she didn't know that she could take. No it was never literal, always with hidden meanings. But thanks to you that little girl turned out to have a talent in her that ended up saving her. When I watch you preform, it's as if you have everything figured out. In that moment the world was just another blur that you would see through the window. The smirk you have right when you know a stanza is going to change the point of view for the world. My name is Reede (read) Nasser and I am fourteen years old. I have watched you speak for years now. I was scared to show people my poetry for a long time, then one day I came along the video called Point B. (Low quality video, high quality material. ) That was your poem, you were on Ted that day showing your works and that one you decided to preform. Thanks to you I signed up for poetry club the very next day. I know all of this sounds quite naive, that is not me. See I have just moved and for the most part that is what this blog is about. I tell people what it's like leaving and after. What some kids might need, it might soothe some of their worries. It's something that I wish I had access to when I found out I was moving. I've put off the blog post about writing for awhile only cause I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. Telling people that I write about anything. About how some people break, others leave you and the worst of all some will just look. I hope you read some of my posts (Moral of the Story or It's just a Book), to see that I am not a girl blinded by ego or the sunlight. That I am a person who has learned a few things about change. Maybe you might just learn a few things that you never have come across. Such as I have learned from you. Which could leave you waiting for more and waiting for an answer is dangerous. So I will write hoping you see this, hoping that you will read and think, "this girl could survive this thing we call life."  Maybe you'll come back and never tell me. Stay silent, though you know that a girl is hoping that you are. Maybe I'll start to notice how one person in New York keeps coming here and reading. Maybe it'll become a game for you. We will gain a relationship. Me thinking you're someone from Monotawk. But you knowing the truth. Whatever the story, if this letter never grazes your eyes or if you read this too many times. Just know that you have created a world for me with just the words, "If I should have a daughter"


Reede Nasser


Anonymous said...

I really liked this post. My favorite part was when you talked about the specific memory of when you were really impacted by this person. How did you find the video of the lady?

Anonymous said...

I love Sarah Kay! I've practically memorized If I Should Have a Daughter. I got this little blue book with illustrations and the poem at the store once and it's super cute. :D