Monday, October 19, 2015

The Affects of Leaving and Coming Back

 Every time I leave a piece of my heart stays there. It hurts to leave and it hurts to stay. I am torn between two places a home and a house if you will. I love it here I do but you can't force memories.  You can't just make so many years of growth and change happen. This place wasn't just a home for me, it was where I lived, I strived and became who I was. 
Coming Back Image Provided by flickr
 I recently went to back home to San Diego for UEA break and I almost forgot how much it hurts to leave... Hey guys it's Reede and if you haven't guessed already this isn't going to be a normal blog post for me. The reason why I am posting this is that when you leave a place once it doesn't hurt as much. But when you come back it starts to sting. Not a lot of people know that. 

  So while I was there, I stayed with my best friend and went to school with her. I know why go to school when just you just got school off? I am weird okay. But in that time I don't think, I have never smiled and cried as much as I did that day. People were shocked, some thought I was always there and never left. Some thought I would never come back. They all had different reactions to me being there too. For example, my friend Jennifer Van saw me and she screamed. Then clung on me to the point where I fell down. That was a happy reaction. But my friend Lauren who I've known since I could tie my shoes, started to cry. That was an interesting reaction... In those moments I realized the effects of coming and going have on a person. On either sides of the deal. It isn't fair or right to get up and leave people. But then what would you say traveling is. So much work goes into making a vacation perfect. The people you meet their. Believe or not you effected their vacation. We never think of it that way either.
 We are all effected by what others do. Leaving can hurt a person. Coming back can change a person. In some ways that's what traveling does to you. If you leave your heart too many places, you won't have enough to live. Going back to San Diego I thought about what my life here was like and what my life I could've been like there. Either way I liked my options. Here is how I was effected, leaving hurt but it helped me grow. I would be much different then I was if I stayed in California. Coming back was a different story. The town where I grew up in seemed smaller. The people I knew seemed different. Do I want to move back? If you asked me that a month ago it would have been a yes. But right now it's a no. You never know how much you need to leave a place till you're already gone. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still not sure if I want to go back to Montreal. I haven't been back yet (unfortunately it would take me like 3 weeks to drive there so that's not really an option). Sorry for commenting on all your posts by the way...I just like your blog so I'm reading all your posts. Sorry.