Monday, October 12, 2015

How I Remembered Placencia

I don't remember what year it was I just remember being young. I remember this was the first time I was out of the country. I remember that it was winter here but summer there. I remember meeting locals who lived differently then I did. I remember seeing animals I didn't know existed. I remember smiling... This is what I remember.

Robert's Grove in Belize Courtesy
Placencia Belize is one of the few places I didn't know existed before I went there. Placencia is in the southern part of Belize and is most famous for their beaches. If you were to go to the northern part its a lot like New York: busy and crowded. In my opinion, but it's still a beautiful place to travel.

I was young I know that, we all were. My family and I were going there for my Dad's birthday. So all six of us for winter brea went to Belize. In my first post I talked about how we got there this post is the when. I've grown up in beach town for most of my life but seeing these beaches for the first time was so different. The sand was white and the water was dark turquoise. There weren't hoards of people crowding the beach only a little few, it was like an unknown paradise. For a little girl who grew up in a big city this place was so different but the same too. 

One of the days we were there, my family and I went on this 10-12 mile long walk through a rain forest. We trekked through mud and steep hills, we saw monkeys and colorful birds. We stopped at this small waterfall to rest. My older brother and dad were the only ones who jumped off. Of course my older brother was so close to a sharp rock that three inches could've made it from the best trip to the worst. That was the day I realized small things can change things immensely. After that day the trip was pretty mellow, my brothers and I made friends with the locals who taught us how to climb trees and make something out of nothing. The day we left was bittersweet, we grew to love it there, all of us. But the real world was calling us back to papers and work. 

So if you are looking into a place like Belize I suggest to not be hesitant and go! It's an experience that you aren't going to get anywhere else. Which I understand sounds cheesy but trust me it's the truth. After that trip my family and I grew closer. Also very cheesy line, but hey its true. Belize was one of those vacation that filled every cliche beach scene dream you had. I'm one of those people who can't stand those cliches too. But even for me Belize was perfect. A little no though do not tell the locals 'You better Belize it..." They find this very annoying!! That'll be a story for another day. But for right now thanks for staying with me. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can relate to the sharp rock thing about your brother. My dad and sister are kind of daredevils, they found this small waterfall that started out very smooth and they thought they could use it like a natural water slide, but if they went actually off the water fall they might die. But they did it anyways. My dad stood and waited for my sister to go so he could catch her before she went off the falls...But she barreled right into him, he flipped and they both went off. They caught a nearby log on their way down and you know, didn't die, but they could have so easily. It's funny now but it was scary then.