Friday, September 18, 2015


Taking The Pilot Seat 
Post 1 

Hi guys this is Reede Nasser and this is my travel blog. I got lucky to grow up with a family who loves to travel. For example my Aunt travels around the world taking photos and experiencing cultures. She has lived in places such as Madrid and Paris, hearing her stories growing up was one of my favorite things to do. (If you are looking for photographer  my aunt Jodi Nasser is your girl.) You will probably see her works in this blog. My Dad has a job that lets him go to extravagant places such as Singapore and Hong Kong. I myself have loved traveling and experiencing new things since I was young. I loved finding out the culture of each place we went to. Each culture had different story behind it that I loved to find. I learned that the people in other countries strive ad thrive on their culture. 

To be honest I never had an interest in blogging before. But in my english class we were assigned these blog to practice writing skills, while using technological resources. We were allowed to write about any topic we chose. So I picked travel, something I love to talk about as well as, something I knew about. 

In this blog I will be talking about places that I've been  to or other places that I know people that have been there. No I won’t be reviewing hotels or restaurants, or anything like that. Just options based on experiences. I call my blog 'Taking the Pilot Seat' because of an experience that has defined traveling for me in so many ways. 


This is why I call it Taking the Pilot Seat. The story is, my family and I were traveling to Placencia, Belize. Which is in the southern part of Central America. To get there we had to take a twelve person plane from Belize City. My family of six people took up half the plane. There were only five seats left on the plane, so my dad was asked to ride in the copilot seat, and after we got off my two brothers, older  sister and I rushed to him eagerly asking him all these questions. Each of us trying to tell over the other one. He just replied saying to each one of them that “any seat is like the pilot seat.” I know it isn’t a very descriptive or wise answer but for my innocent ten year old eyes it was enough. So ever since then when I enter the plane, instead of just seeing the controls and panels like any other person would. I would just think how I can travel like I am in the pilot seat. I have other stories just as important to me as this one, but that will be for another time. So for right now thanks for staying with me. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love Love it it Reede Reede