Thursday, January 28, 2016


Dear Sarah Kay

If I should have a Daughter Picture thanks to Wikipedia
 I would call you my mentor but I never got to meet you. You are the one person I could never get sick of listening to. You are the one person who seems to not say the wrong thing. Is there a word for that? Even so I don't think that word would describe how much you mean to me. How much I need to tell you. I want to tell you a story about a girl who was scared. Who found a person that showed her a path she didn't know that she could take. No it was never literal, always with hidden meanings. But thanks to you that little girl turned out to have a talent in her that ended up saving her. When I watch you preform, it's as if you have everything figured out. In that moment the world was just another blur that you would see through the window. The smirk you have right when you know a stanza is going to change the point of view for the world. My name is Reede (read) Nasser and I am fourteen years old. I have watched you speak for years now. I was scared to show people my poetry for a long time, then one day I came along the video called Point B. (Low quality video, high quality material. ) That was your poem, you were on Ted that day showing your works and that one you decided to preform. Thanks to you I signed up for poetry club the very next day. I know all of this sounds quite naive, that is not me. See I have just moved and for the most part that is what this blog is about. I tell people what it's like leaving and after. What some kids might need, it might soothe some of their worries. It's something that I wish I had access to when I found out I was moving. I've put off the blog post about writing for awhile only cause I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. Telling people that I write about anything. About how some people break, others leave you and the worst of all some will just look. I hope you read some of my posts (Moral of the Story or It's just a Book), to see that I am not a girl blinded by ego or the sunlight. That I am a person who has learned a few things about change. Maybe you might just learn a few things that you never have come across. Such as I have learned from you. Which could leave you waiting for more and waiting for an answer is dangerous. So I will write hoping you see this, hoping that you will read and think, "this girl could survive this thing we call life."  Maybe you'll come back and never tell me. Stay silent, though you know that a girl is hoping that you are. Maybe I'll start to notice how one person in New York keeps coming here and reading. Maybe it'll become a game for you. We will gain a relationship. Me thinking you're someone from Monotawk. But you knowing the truth. Whatever the story, if this letter never grazes your eyes or if you read this too many times. Just know that you have created a world for me with just the words, "If I should have a daughter"


Reede Nasser

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

«∞here's to the tumblr kids∞«

imagine thanks to lovethispics
Our flat ironed hair goes to messy buns. We put on some pajama shorts and high knee socks. We forget about all the drama that happened before because for us it doesn't matter. We are bedroom goals, beach pictures and nothing will get in our way from our computers. We all do this for our fandoms, for our families outside of blood. This is for tumblr.  This is for the tumblr kids. This is for the girls with high expectations, that want the things they can't have. This is for the boys who want to be that boy, the one all the girls talk about. This is for the girls writing imagines about a person they've never met but some how still love them anyhow. For the boys who love the kid shows and books. For the kids who would do anything for fanmily (fandom family). We are the kids you wouldn't expect to say these things, but we do anyway. Dreaming about the One True Pair (my OTP don't you judge)  or those perfect sunset pictures. So let's cheers, here's to the kids who want more then the black and white polaroid picture. Here's to the artists who find an outlet, to the writers who pour their hearts out in a single poem, and to the game changers who find a way to transform a single post into a different life. Everyone telling us to get off the shiny glowing screens, but we won't. Only because we are in the only place where hobbits talk to shadowhunters, where you watch as a Directioner and a Potterhead fight about the difference between being an atheist and not believing in G*d. We get to watch as the boy in Arizona who sits in the back of the class finally talks to the loud and outgoing girl in New York. Make fun of us sure, say we are just scared teens who are to addicted to our computers to go outside. We write a new world inside of very favorite books, rewrite an ending in so many different ways. (SPOILERS ALERT NOT REALLY THOUGH) For us this time Tris isn't gonna die, Draco and Harry will realize they love each other. Or they will rewrite their own story, this time he won't lie to me, this time she'll believe me. Here's to the tumblr kids, the one's who find an outlet. Here's to the kids who live by music lyrics.  This one's for the kids who don't really seem to care but actually care too much. Because if it wasn't for us who comedians make stereotypes about. Because who would the author's write their tragic characters after. We fill in the spaces people think that are empty. We are the unknowns, we are the spaces that don't need to be filled. So here's to us. This blog post is for the broken and unbroken, for the naive and knowing, for the girls and boys. This was for the tumblr kids.

Friday, January 8, 2016

They're in My life For a Reason

:) Thanks to data:image
You're nervous when you're new. Don't know if it's because everything you turn to is new, and you can't turn to anyone because you're so nervous. All you need is that one person to lean on or direct you through the flames. It's crucial when you're new to put your pride on your floor and actually talk to people.  It's not as hard as you would believe. See, I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. People either come into your life because they are a lesson or a chance. So with that the people I've become close with, I've met all for a reason. I'm glad for it, for the late night talks, for the weird conversations, for the shoulders to lean on.  There are a few people in this world that I can trust fully, but each of them give me a reason to. It's funny if you think about it, in your hometown or wherever you came from, the people who you're friends with seem to be the only people you think about spending every weekend with. After moving you realize about the people outside of that small-town of yours. On that note, I never liked the word squad, it always bothered me, until Utah when  I found mine. This sounds this ridiculous I know, its weird just saying it. But hey that's what we call ourselves. Five girls, four boys and all with very interesting thoughts.  My bestie with the pink hair [:0] Sam Petersen always gets us talking about the most deep and intricate stuff. For example; religion, gender, politics (don't get even me started) or anything really important going on at each other's lives. Then good old Bryce Murrin or Annie Sheinburg  (I'm sorry if I spelled that wrong) decides to get us all rabid and laughing about some really interesting, for lack of a better word, topic. Maya Levine then normally says something half of us will be take the wrong way. Which will make us give her crud and laugh even more. Then Olivia Welter will actually make us talk about it, or least explain what goes on in a few of our minds. Then the amazing Sean Lydon will make a sarcastic comment, which will cause Nash Batten to get awkward and Cris Mora to say something that only Cris would say. My favorite part of those moments is to watch how happy each of us is with each other. So there you go a short glimpse of a small amount of squad hangouts. These people might be loud or a little weird to the normal black and white eye but for me, they are so much more. They are the people who I can depend for a shoulder or smile. We might not all understand what each of us go through, but that's the best part is we don't pretend to. We call each other out, say things we don't mean, argue till we're out of breathe but that's us. I wouldn't expect you guys to understand because you aren't there. Some people from school try to, it just doesn't work out. Only because they aren't there for the important parts of our tragically beautiful story. I met them for a reason, each teaching me valuable lessons, each shaping me to be better. So I thank you lucky few I call a squad. Thank You... 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Moral of the Story

Image thanks to
Lets go back to elementary school when you had to learn the moral of the story. Trying to figure out what the author was trying to tell you. Here's the my moral you guys or lesson of you will. Life doesn't owe you anything, you have to work for what you get. I'm honestly done with people complaining about how they have too much or too little. There are approximately 7.3 billion people on this world, do you really think your problem is the biggest one. People are dying for worst causes then a broken nail. Stop making things to nonsense on purpose. If you are going to scream remember what happened when the boy cried wolf, or how curiosity killed the cat. Maybe you'll remember that tricks aren't supposed to be played constantly and that some news just aren't for you to know. Start paying attention to the morals of the stories that we learned as kids. A rapper once said "I write 'till my fingers look like a bouquet of roses  you got to bring yourself your flowers now in show biz' focus it's quiet coyote come on let's go, kids Everybody get together with a study buddy And I'll talk about the **** that I don't give." Yes I just quoted Watsky. But he has a very valid point, you work hard to achieve, I will repeat this again, life doesn't owe you a thing.  You may save a life and get fired from your job and you may cry a hundred days and never smile. Life doesn't play by any rules, no point in believing that it does. I'm turning fifteen this year and I've already grasped this idea of not knowing what comes next. Maybe my moral of life is wrong but so is the fact that no one believed the boy when he needed help or how the rabbit lost it's race. Life is realistic, our lessons we were taught as kids weren't. Maybe that's why so many people believe that they deserve something. We aren't going to be children forever, I'm not saying to stop teaching blind optimism. But at some age we should realize that there isn't a point in still believing that our prince or princess will come. If we were taught to dream don't you think most nights would less dark. Maybe the girl who said she's just little tired means something more. Or the boy who has the math answers would like to talk about anything but. We were taught that the boy lied every time and rabbit got a little cocky. Maybe the boy had anxiety and got a little scared. Maybe the rabbit got sick of being the winner and wanted to learn something. So yes please complain, please not read the whole story. Maybe you will actually learn a few things about the true moral of life. Life doesn't owe you anything. So if you bring up elementary school stories, just know that fairytales aren't gonna come true. If you read into more then just the surface you'd see terrors of living in terrorless happiness. Because the moral of the story is?....