Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Was it Worth it?

After a day of yelling and screaming, trying to prove them wrong. After a day of sweat and a little tears. After a day of stress and frustration. After a day of  tough results.. Was it really worth it...

I woke up at five thirty, Tightrope by Walk the Moon, blasting through my phone's speakers, waking me up. See it was Saturday and it was cold, the last thing I wanted to do was get up at five thirty in the morning and have people yell at me all day. Yes, it  was my first debate tournament in a long time.  I love my debate I do but if I had to choose I don't think it would be riding a bus with them in the cold morning. In the back of the bus you heard the congress kids talking about the most recent GOP debate. In the front you had the upper class men sleeping or laughing. In the middle were most the kids who were going to their first tournament. Aka like three people plus two others. The ride consisted of screaming, laughing, terrible singing (!!!!!!!), sleeping and debate memories. 

Everyone while waiting
picture thanks to pintrest.com
When the team entered we were the last to get there.  It was a smaller tournament but somehow it looked as if hundreds and hundreds of people were there. I'm not a person who typically gets nervous, in that moments though, I started to shake. Seeing all the policy kids spewing (speaking very fast), others screaming at their teammates, talking about evidence and case writing. My type of debate is public forum, luckily not as crazy as policy or congress. Those are terrifying... Our first round started roughly ten minutes after came it was our first round. My partner and I were hoping to get the affirmation side of the topic. Actually luckily we got negatory, after a full forty five minutes of yelling and fighting, along with a few snippy comments and questions from both sides it was over.. After another three rounds and a bye round. Which means it's an automatic win but we get no speaker points. 

While the judges we calculating the scores it was about hour and half break. My debate team is one dysfunctional family.. I was adopted into it during this time. I can't even try to explain what the whole thing is it would take an entire blogpost to describe what it is. But the best part of that entire time was that I felt welcomed to the stress...  After an hour and half of waiting it was the award ceremony. They announced the I.E. aka speech events first. Then it was time for debate. Novice P.F. was announced third. They announce the top five first. So after fifth was announced, we were nervous. After fourth was announced, we thought ok maybe third. And after third was announced, did we even place? Well that's when second was called. First tournament and we got second!! I don't know who was even more excited for us my team or Nina and I.  I am glad for debate it helped me fit in even more here in Park City. They make us feellike on big family

After a day of yelling and screaming, trying to prove them wrong. After a day of sweat and a little tears. After a day of stress and frustration. After a day of  tough results.. After a day of laughing and welcoming.. After a day of smiling and kidding Was it really worth it... Well yes it was.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so cute reede love it