Monday, November 2, 2015

"Rumors at least you're spreading something besides your legs :)"

What I think about when I hear a Rumor about me
thanks to
Let me tell you a story, there was girl who went to my school since kindergarten. We had every class together in middle school but I only have spoken to her once. See she had a reputation. The rumor was she's got five boyfriends, she hooked up with a junior. So basically she's a slut. At least that's what I thought. For her sake I'm changing her name, lets call her Ally. Ally didn't dress like her reputation. She was an average girl, smile a lot, didn't talk much though. One day I found her crying. Ally was breaking, I sat down next her. She said in her quiet voice " Ask me, ask me if the rumors are true." So as a naturally curious person I asked. She explained, she had five brothers they are all physically and mentally talented so they went to a private school. The 'junior' was her cousin, where in his culture you kiss on the lips to say goodbye. We ended up talking all lunch, she thanked me for listening, and went to the bathroom to wash the shame away. A boy walked up to me and asked if I learned any good tips. At that moment I couldn't think, if you have seen me mad you know that when I get angry and you can't stop me.  Lets just say he went away real quickly. The last couple of months people looked at Ally differently. Rumors are killers, mentally hurting you until you need to break....
Hey guys its Reede and its time to talk about rumors. And yes the story I just said was a hundred percent true. Don't believe me say it to my face please instead of telling other people. I am o sick and tired of hearing new things about me every week. I like this dude, I'm psycho, my family isn't from California, my sister doesn't actually exists. I am kinda sick of it. It's my life get your face out of it, if you have something to say about me say it to my face (you know exactly who you are.)  Honestly people just need to grow up and either stop talking or tell it to people straight. It's hard for a person to go on when people tell lies as if they were truths. I watched a strong girl crack that day, a girl I knew since we were five, and I never said a word. I was guilty and that was my fault I get that, but I stopped them, I tried. I'm sorry if I'm hurting any one's feelings but I don't give a sh!t. Honestly if you're reading this blog and  you're thinking 'This doesn't apply to me.' Well you're lying to yourself, we both know that when you hear something interesting you are going to your friends not caring if it's true or not. So I'm clear out some interesting things people think are true.

  • I don't like anyone, it's not any of your business either
  • I don't hate Park City believe or not I like it here
  • I'm actually from California check the 'about me' page you're gonna see proof
  • I'm also perfectly happy with my life
Glad I cleared that up. I'm honestly really done with people right now. That's kinda why I come across super angry because you know what I am. People need to stay in their own lives and not anyone else. Thank you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate rumors too but damn I did not know it was that bad here...Guess the like one or two people I talk to don't really spread rumors. That sucks...people are so stupid.