Thursday, December 3, 2015

It's Just A Book

Getting Lost
Picture thanks to
It's just a page. Just a story, a few words connecting others to the characters. But that page was home, each and every word containing apart of her tragically beautiful story. Written by a person who didn't even know her, yet it flowed so easily. They understood her and her beating heart. With wide eyes and shaking hands she turned a page, hoping that her world didn't change. But it did and down the rabbit hole she goes. Hoping the demons won't reach her and her world won't change again.  The authors of her stories taught that change is scary and you lose everything. And then it ends, the entire story just collapses, now she's not the character they made her. Just an abused withered out idea. All because her book ended. 

So maybe that girl was you and maybe that girl was me. When I was moving I had to pack a lot things, but I made sure to keep my books.. Those stories helped me cling on to myself as it seemed that my whole world was changing. As my world started to spin the only still words were the ones I found in books. Alice always went down the rabbit hole. Harry always killed Voldemort. Bilbo always went with Gandalf. Everything always seem to turn our ok, except when it didn't (Allegiant) Those never changed, I could move away and those words will still be the same.  It wasn't that I read because I didn't have anything to do but I needed comfort. If my brothers or sister were gone I found it nice to read any books I could get my hands on. I know that sounds quite nerdy but I really don't care. My name is Reede for goodness sake. I was meant to love books. Growing up an English teacher's daughter, books were everywhere. All the way from Shakespeare to Collins I could find and read. Every paper cut, late nights, and endings always seemed worth it to me.

It wasn't until late seventh grade did I realize that I could have as much fun as I did reading my books. Again back off I know I'm a nerd. Anyway, I dropped my books and started living. It was fun but I wasn't as comfortable. Not every place you go to is as welcoming as your bed. When I found out I was moving books kinda helped save me. Even though change can be good and all that. But I  still needed those stable stories. The stories that I already knew weren't going to change. So again Alice went down the rabbit hole. Harry killed Voldemort once again. Bilbo went with Gandalf once more. My heroes always won. They didn't just end saving the day, they ended saving me. It wasn't that I was stranded, I just needed a little help finding my way. It's just a page. Just a story, a few words connecting others to the characters. It's just a book sorting pointless words together. But for her or for me, it was so much more than that.  

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Two Sides of Goodbyes

Here she is my one and only
My Blondie: Marin Jones
She walked in with a dark black underneath her eyes. They beat her emotionally to the core and now she's tired. Tired because she had look her best friend in the eye today and tell her their friendship could last 751.12 miles away. They all asked why her other half was moving. Everyone was whispering in the halls, telling her she didn't feel the pain alone. But this girl was her sister, the one person who understood everything she said, they all made points: how could you be hurt more then me I've known for her 5 or 6 years. But they didn't know the things she did, they weren't there for her like she was. They couldn't see the things her best friend was trying to tell them. So when she finally got home that night, she cried like there wasn't a tomorrow. Within each tear that shed was memory of the laughs and the moments that they spent together. Each of them strong enough to last a life time.

To quote The Script , "Where is the good in goodbye, where is the nice in nice try?" My best friend doesn't like the script, she always thought they sung about the same thing. Plus they always made her feel sad and she doesn't like feeling sad. She will always be one of the toughest people I will ever know. Seeing her cry was a reality check for me, moving was effecting other people than me.  We talked that weekend after I told everyone else, she told me what it was like for her. I don't know if what I saw as true, but she was cracking, underneath the pressure? I will never know. All I do know is that we were kinda scared. I didn't know what was gonna happen, how could you, there was no way of knowing.  You just hope that it'll turn out ok. The last time I saw her I was leaving her house. She wanted my last night in San Elijo to be at her house. The house we came home to when, we walked around the town. The days when we sat at the park and ranted about the smallest things. That seemed so big at the time. Or the mornings where we could just lay there perfectly content...
 For those of you that either have had to leave your best friend or have been left by your best friend.  You might know what I'm talking about. I don't want to sound some old wise person telling you life lessons. But losing your best friend hurts because then you know your friendship wasn't even that strong enough to begin with. I would be a lot of different things with out her, she knows that some days I need to be alone and others I just need to not be. Maybe you thought of a person maybe you didn't but in the end if that kinda of person is with you don't loose them. I know what its like not to see them everyday and it hurts. She does to, and somedays I wish that she didn't. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Was it Worth it?

After a day of yelling and screaming, trying to prove them wrong. After a day of sweat and a little tears. After a day of stress and frustration. After a day of  tough results.. Was it really worth it...

I woke up at five thirty, Tightrope by Walk the Moon, blasting through my phone's speakers, waking me up. See it was Saturday and it was cold, the last thing I wanted to do was get up at five thirty in the morning and have people yell at me all day. Yes, it  was my first debate tournament in a long time.  I love my debate I do but if I had to choose I don't think it would be riding a bus with them in the cold morning. In the back of the bus you heard the congress kids talking about the most recent GOP debate. In the front you had the upper class men sleeping or laughing. In the middle were most the kids who were going to their first tournament. Aka like three people plus two others. The ride consisted of screaming, laughing, terrible singing (!!!!!!!), sleeping and debate memories. 

Everyone while waiting
picture thanks to
When the team entered we were the last to get there.  It was a smaller tournament but somehow it looked as if hundreds and hundreds of people were there. I'm not a person who typically gets nervous, in that moments though, I started to shake. Seeing all the policy kids spewing (speaking very fast), others screaming at their teammates, talking about evidence and case writing. My type of debate is public forum, luckily not as crazy as policy or congress. Those are terrifying... Our first round started roughly ten minutes after came it was our first round. My partner and I were hoping to get the affirmation side of the topic. Actually luckily we got negatory, after a full forty five minutes of yelling and fighting, along with a few snippy comments and questions from both sides it was over.. After another three rounds and a bye round. Which means it's an automatic win but we get no speaker points. 

While the judges we calculating the scores it was about hour and half break. My debate team is one dysfunctional family.. I was adopted into it during this time. I can't even try to explain what the whole thing is it would take an entire blogpost to describe what it is. But the best part of that entire time was that I felt welcomed to the stress...  After an hour and half of waiting it was the award ceremony. They announced the I.E. aka speech events first. Then it was time for debate. Novice P.F. was announced third. They announce the top five first. So after fifth was announced, we were nervous. After fourth was announced, we thought ok maybe third. And after third was announced, did we even place? Well that's when second was called. First tournament and we got second!! I don't know who was even more excited for us my team or Nina and I.  I am glad for debate it helped me fit in even more here in Park City. They make us feellike on big family

After a day of yelling and screaming, trying to prove them wrong. After a day of sweat and a little tears. After a day of stress and frustration. After a day of  tough results.. After a day of laughing and welcoming.. After a day of smiling and kidding Was it really worth it... Well yes it was.

Monday, November 2, 2015

"Rumors at least you're spreading something besides your legs :)"

What I think about when I hear a Rumor about me
thanks to
Let me tell you a story, there was girl who went to my school since kindergarten. We had every class together in middle school but I only have spoken to her once. See she had a reputation. The rumor was she's got five boyfriends, she hooked up with a junior. So basically she's a slut. At least that's what I thought. For her sake I'm changing her name, lets call her Ally. Ally didn't dress like her reputation. She was an average girl, smile a lot, didn't talk much though. One day I found her crying. Ally was breaking, I sat down next her. She said in her quiet voice " Ask me, ask me if the rumors are true." So as a naturally curious person I asked. She explained, she had five brothers they are all physically and mentally talented so they went to a private school. The 'junior' was her cousin, where in his culture you kiss on the lips to say goodbye. We ended up talking all lunch, she thanked me for listening, and went to the bathroom to wash the shame away. A boy walked up to me and asked if I learned any good tips. At that moment I couldn't think, if you have seen me mad you know that when I get angry and you can't stop me.  Lets just say he went away real quickly. The last couple of months people looked at Ally differently. Rumors are killers, mentally hurting you until you need to break....
Hey guys its Reede and its time to talk about rumors. And yes the story I just said was a hundred percent true. Don't believe me say it to my face please instead of telling other people. I am o sick and tired of hearing new things about me every week. I like this dude, I'm psycho, my family isn't from California, my sister doesn't actually exists. I am kinda sick of it. It's my life get your face out of it, if you have something to say about me say it to my face (you know exactly who you are.)  Honestly people just need to grow up and either stop talking or tell it to people straight. It's hard for a person to go on when people tell lies as if they were truths. I watched a strong girl crack that day, a girl I knew since we were five, and I never said a word. I was guilty and that was my fault I get that, but I stopped them, I tried. I'm sorry if I'm hurting any one's feelings but I don't give a sh!t. Honestly if you're reading this blog and  you're thinking 'This doesn't apply to me.' Well you're lying to yourself, we both know that when you hear something interesting you are going to your friends not caring if it's true or not. So I'm clear out some interesting things people think are true.

  • I don't like anyone, it's not any of your business either
  • I don't hate Park City believe or not I like it here
  • I'm actually from California check the 'about me' page you're gonna see proof
  • I'm also perfectly happy with my life
Glad I cleared that up. I'm honestly really done with people right now. That's kinda why I come across super angry because you know what I am. People need to stay in their own lives and not anyone else. Thank you

Friday, October 30, 2015

Change of Pace

To those two people actually read my blog, I'm changing my blog type. There so many things other then places to talk about so from now on this is a rant blog. So yea change of pace guys. The metaphor of the pilot seat still works, trust me. But it's slightly changed, this time it means to take all our nothing. You're gonna fly the plane or you aren't. SO here goes everything. 
Hopefully this one is true..
Image thanks to 

They said it I had it easy moving here was easy for me. Have you ever seen your best friend break, have you ever seen the girl who was your shoulder start to cry? Well then don't tell me it was easy because it was the exact opposite of easy. I left a part of me there something I can't get back. It's funny, when I moved to Park City I thought I would be screwed. I mean my parents chose the one city that seemed to be on a different planet compared to my hometown. Most of the kids in my old school hadn't even seen snow before. That would come across to about half of my current school as crazy. Park City thinks they are over crowed at thirty kids per class. My English Class had forty seven kids in the class and we were the smallest out of all seven that he had. Listen I'm not complaining, its just funny that we ended up here. Two very different states, two very different  cultures and two very different homes.  It reminds me to my first day in AP geography. My teacher was talking about what we were gonna learn when he says something on the lines of,"you'll find that a lot of states here seem like an entire planet away." then a kid someone who I will not name (but it does start with an A, you know who you are).... Yelled out California like it was the most logical answer in the world. I wanted yell back and say no but, I stopped and realized maybe he isn't wrong. Like how people haven't seen snow there, some people haven't been to the beach here. I understand I kinda restated what I said before. It's an important concept that I have just now come across. 

Back to what I was saying before, I thought I was screwed. Why wouldn't I be, I had different hobbies, I 'talked differently', and I grew up in the same small town my entire life. Can I just explain San Elijo Hills for a second, I know San Diego is a pretty big city. But the place where I grew up was a very very very very very very small town. Everyone knows everyone, in my entire life there, maybe only two new kids moved there. I had everything planned out for me. The schools, the friends and everything an eighth grade girl could dream of, (with in reason because nothing is certain.) But you what you don't expect is that you will be moving, that you have to tell the girl who was a sister to you that you've been keeping something from her for six months.  When you move you are only thinking about you in that moment not the others around. Until it's the last week and you realize you aren't gonna see these people ever again. You aren't gonna see the kids who grew up with you. The oy who stood up for you when no one else would. The girl you would talk to everyday. In a few years they might be the last thing form your mind.....

I didn't adjust well either. This place wasn't home for such a longtime for me. It wasn't until I accepted the fact that this was my very different home and  I wasn't gonna move back. That I really started to fit in here. Not that I do now, I'm not a ski kid, this is my first time ever having an all day locker etc. My life has been very different then kids here. Hopefully one day I'll start getting used to this place.  You could say that moving was easy for me but it wasn't. Leaving is a two way street. I had to experience both sides of it. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

I Learned that You Have Family Everywhere

We stepped off the dock and something about the world changed around me. There weren't cars, just boat taxis, no big city hustle, everyone there took their time. A concept only few people where I'm from actually celebrate. The pathways were small and the people were kind. I was in Venice and I never wanted to leave. 

Venice, Italy is a small city at the top of Italy at the coast of Adriatic Sea. My family and I traveled there in the summer of 2014. It was our last stop on our tour of the Caribbean. We went Turkey, a couple cities in Greece, and Paris. Which I understand isn't on the Caribbean, but hey we went there. Venice is known but not for the reasons that it should be. The culture there was the classic Italian  feel. People were loud, the food was good, and everyone has a home

So lets start with the people. The sidewalks were small in between each building and with all the voices it was hard to anyone. But between all the madness I hear, "come sta la tua famiglia."Don't ask me how I remember all of this I just do. Anyway, it was a shock for me how can person be that clear in a place like that. Responses were coming out of thin air to the point where my head started to spin. So on that first day in Venice, I learned that people can be pretty loud 

Venice Image provided by telegraph
The food, oh my god the food!!! I hope all of you that are reading this has had Italian food before if so, you have never had Italian food like this. It was all made fresh the pasta didn’t come from boxes. Everything I ate there was drool worthy. It wasn’t just the taste of it though, it was the smell and the sounds around. Which sounds totally weird I get it but you had to be there. When you sit down in a restaurant like that first thing you notice is the smell of freshly baked dough. Then you here the chefs conversing in the back. Which makes you feel at it home. 

Which also brings me to my next topic. You find a home there. Sure tourists are noisy and they take up space. Believe me I’ve dealt with plenty to assure you that one. But they accept you there. For example, my family and another family went out to dinner our second or third night in Venice. All of what I had said before was true, the food was great, the chefs were talkative and people were yelling. But behind all of those sounds, was laughing and communicating. Something I haven’t seem my older sister do in a long time (slightly kidding). My favorite part of the night was when the owners came up to our table, pulled out chairs and starting talking to us. They called us brothers and sisters by the end of the night. 

Venice is the one place I would go back to in a heartbeat. It isn’t one of those trips you neglect talking about or you get sick of. That’s my take on Venice, thank you for staying with me. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Affects of Leaving and Coming Back

 Every time I leave a piece of my heart stays there. It hurts to leave and it hurts to stay. I am torn between two places a home and a house if you will. I love it here I do but you can't force memories.  You can't just make so many years of growth and change happen. This place wasn't just a home for me, it was where I lived, I strived and became who I was. 
Coming Back Image Provided by flickr
 I recently went to back home to San Diego for UEA break and I almost forgot how much it hurts to leave... Hey guys it's Reede and if you haven't guessed already this isn't going to be a normal blog post for me. The reason why I am posting this is that when you leave a place once it doesn't hurt as much. But when you come back it starts to sting. Not a lot of people know that. 

  So while I was there, I stayed with my best friend and went to school with her. I know why go to school when just you just got school off? I am weird okay. But in that time I don't think, I have never smiled and cried as much as I did that day. People were shocked, some thought I was always there and never left. Some thought I would never come back. They all had different reactions to me being there too. For example, my friend Jennifer Van saw me and she screamed. Then clung on me to the point where I fell down. That was a happy reaction. But my friend Lauren who I've known since I could tie my shoes, started to cry. That was an interesting reaction... In those moments I realized the effects of coming and going have on a person. On either sides of the deal. It isn't fair or right to get up and leave people. But then what would you say traveling is. So much work goes into making a vacation perfect. The people you meet their. Believe or not you effected their vacation. We never think of it that way either.
 We are all effected by what others do. Leaving can hurt a person. Coming back can change a person. In some ways that's what traveling does to you. If you leave your heart too many places, you won't have enough to live. Going back to San Diego I thought about what my life here was like and what my life I could've been like there. Either way I liked my options. Here is how I was effected, leaving hurt but it helped me grow. I would be much different then I was if I stayed in California. Coming back was a different story. The town where I grew up in seemed smaller. The people I knew seemed different. Do I want to move back? If you asked me that a month ago it would have been a yes. But right now it's a no. You never know how much you need to leave a place till you're already gone. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

How I Remembered Placencia

I don't remember what year it was I just remember being young. I remember this was the first time I was out of the country. I remember that it was winter here but summer there. I remember meeting locals who lived differently then I did. I remember seeing animals I didn't know existed. I remember smiling... This is what I remember.

Robert's Grove in Belize Courtesy
Placencia Belize is one of the few places I didn't know existed before I went there. Placencia is in the southern part of Belize and is most famous for their beaches. If you were to go to the northern part its a lot like New York: busy and crowded. In my opinion, but it's still a beautiful place to travel.

I was young I know that, we all were. My family and I were going there for my Dad's birthday. So all six of us for winter brea went to Belize. In my first post I talked about how we got there this post is the when. I've grown up in beach town for most of my life but seeing these beaches for the first time was so different. The sand was white and the water was dark turquoise. There weren't hoards of people crowding the beach only a little few, it was like an unknown paradise. For a little girl who grew up in a big city this place was so different but the same too. 

One of the days we were there, my family and I went on this 10-12 mile long walk through a rain forest. We trekked through mud and steep hills, we saw monkeys and colorful birds. We stopped at this small waterfall to rest. My older brother and dad were the only ones who jumped off. Of course my older brother was so close to a sharp rock that three inches could've made it from the best trip to the worst. That was the day I realized small things can change things immensely. After that day the trip was pretty mellow, my brothers and I made friends with the locals who taught us how to climb trees and make something out of nothing. The day we left was bittersweet, we grew to love it there, all of us. But the real world was calling us back to papers and work. 

So if you are looking into a place like Belize I suggest to not be hesitant and go! It's an experience that you aren't going to get anywhere else. Which I understand sounds cheesy but trust me it's the truth. After that trip my family and I grew closer. Also very cheesy line, but hey its true. Belize was one of those vacation that filled every cliche beach scene dream you had. I'm one of those people who can't stand those cliches too. But even for me Belize was perfect. A little no though do not tell the locals 'You better Belize it..." They find this very annoying!! That'll be a story for another day. But for right now thanks for staying with me. 

Friday, September 18, 2015


Taking The Pilot Seat 
Post 1 

Hi guys this is Reede Nasser and this is my travel blog. I got lucky to grow up with a family who loves to travel. For example my Aunt travels around the world taking photos and experiencing cultures. She has lived in places such as Madrid and Paris, hearing her stories growing up was one of my favorite things to do. (If you are looking for photographer  my aunt Jodi Nasser is your girl.) You will probably see her works in this blog. My Dad has a job that lets him go to extravagant places such as Singapore and Hong Kong. I myself have loved traveling and experiencing new things since I was young. I loved finding out the culture of each place we went to. Each culture had different story behind it that I loved to find. I learned that the people in other countries strive ad thrive on their culture. 

To be honest I never had an interest in blogging before. But in my english class we were assigned these blog to practice writing skills, while using technological resources. We were allowed to write about any topic we chose. So I picked travel, something I love to talk about as well as, something I knew about. 

In this blog I will be talking about places that I've been  to or other places that I know people that have been there. No I won’t be reviewing hotels or restaurants, or anything like that. Just options based on experiences. I call my blog 'Taking the Pilot Seat' because of an experience that has defined traveling for me in so many ways. 


This is why I call it Taking the Pilot Seat. The story is, my family and I were traveling to Placencia, Belize. Which is in the southern part of Central America. To get there we had to take a twelve person plane from Belize City. My family of six people took up half the plane. There were only five seats left on the plane, so my dad was asked to ride in the copilot seat, and after we got off my two brothers, older  sister and I rushed to him eagerly asking him all these questions. Each of us trying to tell over the other one. He just replied saying to each one of them that “any seat is like the pilot seat.” I know it isn’t a very descriptive or wise answer but for my innocent ten year old eyes it was enough. So ever since then when I enter the plane, instead of just seeing the controls and panels like any other person would. I would just think how I can travel like I am in the pilot seat. I have other stories just as important to me as this one, but that will be for another time. So for right now thanks for staying with me.